Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 1

Now that day 1 is over I've collected everything that I touched and would normally throw out or recycle. I put everything in a plastic bag and I even doubled it for extra support. The bag actually feels somewhat heavy. Not like ten pounds heavy, but a decent amount for one days worth of wastes. Now it's time for me to tell you what I collected. On day 1 I've collected a 1 liter flavoured sparkling water, .5 liter bottle water, half gallon milk, 20 fl oz flavoured water, four 100 calorie snack packs, two plum seeds, small remainder of an apple, a napkin, tissue from the gym, alumium foil which is holding the fruit seeds, toilet paper which is clean by the way, and four unwanted letters of mail. Now that's a nice amount of stuff for one day.

To make things a little easier I decided that I will collect watse for one day and put it in a bag and label it day 1, 2 and so forth. Then once I've finished I will put all of the bags into one big bag and then show it off like a nice trophy.

Day 1 is over and now starts day 2. Wish me luck.

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