Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blog #1 / Decreasing Your Daily Impact

So for those who aren't in my class and happened to stumble upon my blog, I'm supposed to write about my daily environmental impact. As I said in the blog before this one I just recently started to actually care about the environment. It was a few years ago that I began to decrease my daily impact. I began to recycle and tried to use less electricity, especially with my airconditioner. More recently I've been trying to buy biodegradeable products which buy the way are hard to find in my opinion.

It's hard to sometimes break out of my old habits and I usually have to stop myself from doing something that isn't good for the environment. I'll catch myself doing something and in the middle of doing it I have to remind myself of the effects that it will have on the environment. One thing that I seem to always kind of fight with is littering. I still do litter at times but I can't be blamed for the trash cans that always seem to not be there when I have something to throw away. It really can be a pain when I have to walk for blocks and blocks and not pass by one trash can. It's like a conspiracy. Almost as if I weren't meant to properly get rid of trash.

I basically try to do the little things that count. Sometimes those little things can be a hassle for me. Besides the trash thing, during the summer I would try to not use my air conditioner as much as possible. The weird thing is that my Ac is one of those energy star Ac's which already use less energy than other air conditoners. So I was really trying to conserve energy and reduce the carbon dioxide being released into the air. I even try to wash my clothes at night which creates less heat than it would during the day. I also wash my clothes in cold water to also prevent the use of energy that creates the hot water.

Like I said before it's the little things that I do to try and help with global warming. So far it's somewhat worked because I've got my mother into it as well. Now thats two more people fighting against global warming and if you join then the chain can grow and keep on growing.

1 comment:

C. Jason Smith said...

Wow! A great job so far on this blog. I think you are doing a better job than me so far! Lol. Keep it up. Dr. J